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Tuesday 11 October 2016

When Your Phone Will Get Android Nougat 7.0 Update - Check It Now

nougat 7.0

TECHBYTE: We all know that Google has released latest update for Android phones known as Android Nougat. It's 7.0 version of Android that has come with many new features. People are desperate to know when their phone will get Nougat update. In this post i am going to give list of android phones that are getting android nougat update.

            Android Nougat has been come with many new things and  major improvements after Marshmallow .Android 7.0 Nougat is the major revision of Android for 2016/2017.Many new features like Richer drop-down menu, Vulkan API,virtual reality, battery saver, data server, better notification control and so many features.
          This cool upgrade first became available for phones in August 2016, depending on the device you have.
Here the list of phones getting android Nougat update-


google nexus
There is no doubt that google nexus phone are getting android Nougat update firstly. As always the flagship Nexus devices are the ones to receive the update first and it almost started. If you have Nexus phone then just check for the update in the setting of your Nexus phone.The  Nexus 6,Nexus 6P, Nexus 5 and Nexus 9 are the device that are receiving the update.


google pixel

 Apart from Nexus devices Googles new born Google pixel is also coming up with Android Nougat. 
Google's own banded tablet Google pixel C is also inline for getting Nougat 7.0 update.

Android One Smartphones-


Android one smartphones are also in the race of getting android Nougat update. As these devices introduced to get latest update firstly. So these are also in the way of getting upgrade to android nougat.The android one smartphones Cherry Mobile G1, Lava Pixel V1, Lava Pixel V1, Micromax Canvas A1, Spice Dream UNO are almost ready to get the update.

HTC smartphones - 


The company confirmed that its phone will also get the android nougat update yet the specific dates are not come but they will get the update. In the devices HTC 10, HTC One A9, and HTC One M9 will be getting the update. 



Motorola now know as Lenovo owned ferm is also closest to get  nougat 7.0 update. The Nexus 6 manufactured by the Motorola, will be first one to receive the update. The confirmed list is not announced  yet some smartphones like  Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus,  Moto X Style, Moto X Play, Moto X Forceand Moto Z will get the update.

LG Smartphones


Previous year LG phones get the marshmallow  update within the 2 month of its release.Now LG V20 is confirmed to get the update. LG G5, LG G4 are also getting update but it may be added to the list later.


Samsung is not exactly known for its speedy updates. Samsung hasn’t confirmed the update for the next Android version for any of its devices but it seems that  Samsung Galaxy Note 7 will be the first device to get the update of Android 7.0 Nougat.Galaxy S7, S7 Edge, Galaxy Note 5, S6, S6 Edge are also in the row of getting taste of android nougat.



Another  Smartphone manufacturer Sony is also keeping its Android Nougat release plans close. Sony Xperia Z3 is expected to be the first one to get the Android 7.0 Nougat update, followed by the devices of Xperia Z4 and Z5.


The Chinese manufacturer has yet to offer up any formal confirmation of a planed OnePlus 3 Android 7.0 update. OnePlus 3, OnePlus 2, OnePlus X will the lucy ones to grab the update .

-> Huawei , Xiaomi smartphone maker will also get the android nougat update in the mid of 2017

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