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Wednesday 19 October 2016


f5 button

TECHBYTE: We have habit of continuously refresh windows by pressing f5 button . Does it really do same things as we thing . We all think that by pressing f5 button  it refresh our windows system and increases computer system speed. That's totally wrong. In this post you will know what refresh option actually does?.

                      It is our very common habit that people continuously refresh windows thinking that it clears memory and makes it fast. Even  I don't  know how many  times  i  press f5 button in my machine. But it was shocking to know that what it actually means. 

     Actually  Windows has an auto-refresh feature inbuilt by Microsoft which enables the screen to display the changes. All Microsoft operating system( OS)  have this refresh option in its context menu and we do it several times in a day. Windows this inbuilt feature enables screen to display changes made to a folder even  desktop is just a folder for your operating system.

                  Refreshing the desktop is actually used to update the display  after a change. Refreshing the desktop does not mean to renew the condition of RAM  and do not clean computer or your computer refreshing. Therefore refresh the desktop does not contribute any increase in performance on computer performance.

          If you go for other operating systems like Linux based Ubuntu you will not found  this feature because Linux-based operating systems don’t have it.  Everything you see on your desktop as a component contributing to the creation of a image are can say a Frame . Frames are displayed on your screen one after the other giving you a feel that everything is continuous.

       When each frame is constructed, all the components are placed on it, like first the background, then the icons and their names. Due to all the things  are  placed within every frame. Therefore, a technique of optimization has been created which merely marks elements that needs to be changed for the next frame  The next frame is then recreated with these changed components, The Refresh Option, activated by pressing the F5 button, is exactly this optimization technique created.

 To understand the function of windows refresh option  i am giving you a simple example-
      For example if you have set the shortcut on the desktop to its name in alphabetical order.And when you add a new shortcut on the desktop, new shortcut will not be directly sorted in alphabetical order, but will be at the bottom of the list of shortcuts.Then If you hit the refresh button the desktop, all the shortcuts will be reset again and a new shortcut that will occupy a position according to order.This is a function of the actual desktop refresh button. In addition, the refresh also have the same function in windows Explorer.

    So I hope know you know what refresh button actually does, if  you have a habit of doing refresh on your desktop many times then feel free of it and do it when you feel it is in need. 

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Also Read :  6 most common Myths about Smartphones.



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